Motocross TrackOff-Road Riding Areas
From I-225 and 6th Ave. in East Denver/AuroraHead east on 6th Ave. (approx. 7 miles)Turn East on Jewell Ave. to track entrance on left (approx. 4 1/2 miles)
-Rampart Range
Multiple ATV TrailsSingle Track Motorcycle Trails www.rampartrange.org
From DenverTake Hwy 85/ Santa Fe Dr. South (approx. 25 miles) to SedaliaTurn right on Hwy 67 (10 miles)Turn left on Rampart Range Rd.
-Thunder Valley
Track Riding AreasOff-Road Riding Areas
In West Denver/ LakewoodTake 6th Ave. west past the I-70 exitTurn South on Colfax/40 (approx. 1/4 mile)Turn South on Rooney Rd. (approx.1 mile) to track entrance on right hand side
-Empire Trail System
Beautiful Mountain Scenery ATV TrailsDirt Bike TrailsJeep Trails
Take I-70 West from Denver (approx. 40 miles) to Hwy. 40Head west on Hwy. 40 (approx. 1 mile) to town of EmpireHead North on Rd. 251 out of EmpireFind a place to park and unload near the first two switchbacks
Motocross Track Off-Road Riding Areas
From Denver travel North on I-25 to exit 232Go east (1.5 miles) to track facility located on right side of road
-Central City Trail System
Amazing Mountain ATV Dirt Bike Trail Riding
Take I-70 West from Denver. Take exit 243 Central City Pkwy. When you come into Central City make a left at the second stop sign, go to Eureka St and head west up the hill. go aprx. 1.2 miles and bear left on Bald Mountain Road. In 100 ft, turn right into a large staging area next to the Rocky Mountain Cemetery. You can unload here.
Not sure where to ride? Visit http://staythetrail.org/maps/index.php
These Front Range motocross facilities offer recreational dirt-bike tracks for all ages and skill levels:
Aztec Family Raceway
Colorado Springs
IMI Motorsports Complex
Pawnee Cycle Club
Thunder Valley Motocross
Valley Dirt Riders
Watkins Motocross